26 janvier 2016 2 26 /01 /janvier /2016 23:33

Monday, January 25, 2016

As of today, 30 Nobel Laureates have endorsed the attached January 19, 2016, H.R. Network’s Statement to the Government of Turkey regarding the plight of hundreds of Turkish academic colleagues.

Peter Agre, Chemistry, 2003

Philip W. Anderson, Physics, 1977

Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Physiology or Medicine, 2008

Gunter Blobel, Nobel Prize in Medicine, 1999

Martin Chalfie, Chemistry, 2008*

Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Physics, 1997

Robert Curl, Chemistry, 1996

Johann Deisenhofer, Chemistry, 1988

Peter Diamond, Economics, 2010*

Gerhard Ertl, Chemistry, 2007

Shelly Glashow, Physics, 1979

David Gross, Physics, 2004

Roald Hoffmann, Chemistry, 1981

Wolfgang Ketterle, Physics, 2001

Klaus v. Klitzing, Physics, 1985

Harold Kroto, Chemistry, 1996

Yuan T. Lee, Chemistry, 1986

Anthony J. Leggett, Physics, 2007

Jean-Marie Lehn, Chemistry, 1987

John Mather, Physics, 2006

James Mirrlees, Economics, 1996

William D. Phillips, Physics, 1997

John Polanyi, Chemistry, 1986*

Sir Richard J. Roberts, Physiology or Medicine, 1993

Thomas A. Steitz, Chemistry, 2009

Thomas C. Südhof, Physiology or Medicine, 2013

John Sulston, Physiology or Medicine, 2002

Jack W. Szostak, Physiology or Medicine, 2009

Torsten Wiesel, Physiology or Medicine, 1981

Oliver E. Williamson, Economics, 2009

*Indicates original signatories

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Pour suivre l'actualité des libertés en Turquie

http://www.susam-sokak.fr/ (Blog d'Etienne Copeaux, historien de la Turquie)

http://istanbul.blog.lemonde.fr/ (Blog de Guillaume Perrier, correspondant du Monde en Turquie)

http://turquieeuropeenne.eu/ (site d'actualité et de traductions d'articles)

https://akgonul.wordpress.com/2011/12/ (Blog de Samim Agkönül, historien et politiste)

http://www.imprescriptible.fr/  (sur le génocide arménien)

(liste non exhaustive)



